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Database concept Introduction

Database concept  Introduction » File System » Database Management  System » Rational Data Model » Keys in a Relational  Database concept  “ Inconsistency of your mind… Can  damage your memory… Remove the  inconsistent data… And keep the original  one !!!”   — Nisarga Jain  Introduction After learning about importance of data in the  previous chapter, we need to explore the methods  to store and manage data electronically. Let us  take an example of a school that maintains data  about its students, along with their attendance  record and guardian details. The class teacher marks daily attendance of the  students in the attendance register. The teacher  records ‘P’ for present or ‘A’ for absent against  each student’s roll number on each working day.  If class strength is 50 and total working days  in a month are 26, the teacher needs to record  50×26 records manually in the register ...