what is xampp XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends. It stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB/MySQL (M), PHP (P), and Perl (P). etc XAMPP is designed to be easy to install and use, providing developers with a local development environment for creating and testing web applications. It includes all the necessary components for running dynamic web applications, such as a web server (Apache), a database server (MariaDB/MySQL), and scripting languages (PHP and Perl). The primary purpose of XAMPP is to enable developers to set up a local server environment on their computers, which mimics a production server, allowing them to develop and test websites or web applications without the need for internet connectivity or a remote server. This local development environment helps streamline the development process and allows developers to work offline and make rapid iterations to their projects. XAMPP is...
Thank you for my dear friends please support me ARMAN HASMI